assalamualaikum sume . . . apa kabar?? nak ngadu nih!! hari ni lab mmg mmbuatkan aku betul menjadi terlalu naik darah . . . !! hinggakan boleh pulak tengking tunang sendiri . . . YA ALLAH . . . jahat nye la aku ni . . . abg, i'm so sorry tengking abg hari ini . . . x layak pun nk buat mcm tu, STORY TIME: last night, i receive message from my CR, he ask me to borrow labcoat from anyone of my classmate, then, i borrow la from my friend . . . unfortunately, she's forget to bring it to d college . . . so sad . . . then, i da buntu nak pinjam kat siapa lagi . . . i pun tnye la kat lab office, but, xde . . . sume JAHAT! xnk pinjamkan labcoat kat kte . . hish!! pas tu, i da give up da, i masuk class, nk lepak je, then, i jmpe my classmate, fe
s, i x confident that she bring d labcoat, then, i pun try la tnye kot2 ada ke kan . . . belum cbe belum tau an . . . after i ask wif "selamba dada" then dye kuarkan dari beg dye . . huh!! leganye la ase hati ni. . . . n then, x lepas lagi, time tu da kul 9:15am, my lab class start at 9:00am, so, i late fifteen mins! but, i try to open d door, malangnye, d door is locked!! OMG!! help me . . . i don wat else to do . . . hm . . . then, i go to lecturer room, nobody's there!! huh!! wats this?? then, i pun time tu da nk surrender gak, but, i try la jln2 kat luar lab tu . . . pas tu i see my lecturers . . . MR. M****** and MR. D** hehe . . . so, i talk to him, that i wanna to enter the class, so, his knocking the door, n d door is open, then i pun bole masu class LAB!! haha!! haha!! haha!! sukanye!! hehe . . . pas tu an, my lecturer ask me, "Huda, why you late??" then, i answer him . . . "its better late then i'm not coming . . ." hehe. . . kuat menjawab kan?? that's why all lecturer in my badge called me "NAKAL" hehehe . . . . . NAKAL TAPI BERAKAL!! k larr . . . GTG!! bye, bye, BYE!! ^_^

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