Tuesday, March 30, 2010

assalamualaikum sume . . . apa kabar?? nak ngadu nih!! hari ni lab mmg mmbuatkan aku betul menjadi terlalu naik darah . . . !! hinggakan boleh pulak tengking tunang sendiri . . . YA ALLAH . . . jahat nye la aku ni . . . abg, i'm so sorry tengking abg hari ini . . . x layak pun nk buat mcm tu, STORY TIME: last night, i receive message from my CR, he ask me to borrow labcoat from anyone of my classmate, then, i borrow la from my friend . . . unfortunately, she's forget to bring it to d college . . . so sad . . . then, i da buntu nak pinjam kat siapa lagi . . . i pun tnye la kat lab office, but, xde . . . sume JAHAT! xnk pinjamkan labcoat kat kte . . hish!! pas tu, i da give up da, i masuk class, nk lepak je, then, i jmpe my classmate, fe
s, i x confident that she bring d labcoat, then, i pun try la tnye kot2 ada ke kan . . . belum cbe belum tau an . . . after i ask wif "selamba dada" then dye kuarkan dari beg dye . . huh!! leganye la ase hati ni. . . . n then, x lepas lagi, time tu da kul 9:15am, my lab class start at 9:00am, so, i late fifteen mins! but, i try to open d door, malangnye, d door is locked!! OMG!! help me . . . i don wat else to do . . . hm . . . then, i go to lecturer room, nobody's there!! huh!! wats this?? then, i pun time tu da nk surrender gak, but, i try la jln2 kat luar lab tu . . . pas tu i see my lecturers . . . MR. M****** and MR. D** hehe . . . so, i talk to him, that i wanna to enter the class, so, his knocking the door, n d door is open, then i pun bole masu class LAB!! haha!! haha!! haha!! sukanye!! hehe . . . pas tu an, my lecturer ask me, "Huda, why you late??" then, i answer him . . . "its better late then i'm not coming . . ." hehe. . . kuat menjawab kan?? that's why all lecturer in my badge called me "NAKAL" hehehe . . . . . NAKAL TAPI BERAKAL!! k larr . . . GTG!! bye, bye, BYE!! ^_^

Monday, March 29, 2010

huh!! semalam i stay kat HKL hari ni baru balik . . . cozes of migraine, i x g class ary ni!! huh!! geramnye! hm . . . xpe2!! yg pening sihat!! hehe . . . doctor ask me to stay in d ward for one night, coz of some procedure, that i need to do so . . . , i just stay larr . . . wat i got from the result is, cozes of my migraine, comes from my eyes! ders prob with my eyes! doctor said i'm rabun, she ask me to do a spek! huh!! malew aku! kne gne spek, then my eyes become 4, but, i think i'm not gonna use spek . . . maybe contact lens . . . hehe! ssssoooosadddd . . . . sssoooobbb2!! but, take it positive!! PEACE NO WAR!! ^_^
Sunday, March 28, 2010
hm . . . . boring nye do
k lepak kat KFC ni . . . buka FB pun boring . . . akh!! asal la perkataan boring ni xpernah hilang dari kamus hidup ku?? grrrrrrrrr . . . hm . . . exam!! exam!! exam!! but, i still got time to blogging right ??? hish . . . mne pulak la c ahli meeting my blog ni?? rindu da pulak kat dye . . . but, ble dye ada, sakit kepala da pulak nk ngelayan karenah dye . . . haha . . . da r tension, kang klu dye ada, tambah sakit kepala pulak, so, xnk la tambah penyakit . . . hahahaha . . .{ooo . . . . ko kutuk aku ek??} baru je aku ckp pasal ko ni, da muncul . . . {tu tan
danye, aku panjang umo .. .hahahaha} tapi, gigi tetap pendek, x panjang2 hahaha {ye la. . . . eh, ko ni kan dari tadi ko komen yg ko ni tension dari tadi . . . napa? anything to share . . .??} xde apa la, ala, mcm Siti Nurhaliza nye lirik tu . . . Biarlah Rahsia . . . kan? betul x betul?? { hm . . . aku rasa x betul coz ko x nk share pun masalah ko kat aku . . . mcm la aku ni orang asing kat dye . . .} mmg la ko org asing, nme ko pun asing . . . hahaha! aku gurau je aww . . . jgn amek aty . . . hehe . . . { xde la, ko kutuk r mcm mne, sbenarnye, aku x kesah pun . . ., aku kan tahan maki . . .} hahaha . . . ye la tu . . . weih! esok aku ada class akh . . . handout PHARMACEUTIS aku x bce lagi . . . sir suh bce topic SUSPENSION, but, satu bnde pun x bce lagi . . . hm . . . mmg aku ni degil ann?? { ko pernah x jumpe org yg x ckp ko ni degilllLL??} hm . . . . xde2 . . . hehehe . . .{ NO WONDER!!, then, apa lagi yg buat kat sini?? g akh study!! x ya layan blog ko
lme2 t ko jadi ketagih susah!! hahaha} ala, aku ketagih blog xpe ag . . . klu aku ketagih pill? dadah? rokok?? cam ne?? {NO COMMENT} hahaha . . . NICE ANSWER MY WONDER FRIEND . . . {tgk tu wonder friend pulak . . . } ko patut bersyukur aku panggil wonder friend . . . klu aku pas word WONDER tu aku tambah PET?? {jadilah WONDER PET!!} hahhh. . . . tau kau . . . APA YG PENTING? KERJASAMA!! hahaha!! padan muka ko!! eh, ko x prasan ke yg kte ni terlalu byk merapuh yg entah apa2 je . . . { ahhh!! peduli apa aku?? ni kan BLOG KITA tulis je la suka hati ko, yg IMPORTANT!! ko x CARI GADUH KAT ORANG, ko x TULIS PASAL ORANG KAT SINI . . . k?} APA?? BLOG KITA?? huh!! mimpi!! aku yg punya blog ni, ko je yg dtg menyampok . . . hehe . . { ye la, dgn aku pun ko ckp mcm tu . . . } lekx laarr . . . gua gurau je la . . . iya2 BLOG KITA . . k? {ok!! yeyeyeyeyeye!! BLOG KITA!!} hm . . . hepi ko ey . . . k la, aku da xde bnde da nk ckp ni, BLURRRRR!! no more idea, ada pun, aku akan merapuh je ni, kan bagus klu ada soalan assay, ANDA DIKEHENDAKI MENULIS KARANGAN, DENGAN MERAPUH SEBANYAK 350 PATAH PERKATAAN SAHAJA hahaha . . kan besh? time kat skola lu, ase boring je nk buat karangan, tu nk merapuh ni . . . hahaha . . . k la, bye!! {bye mish u . . .} mish u too . . . PEACE NO WAR!! ^_^

hari ni hari ahad! its day to lepakin wif ur family!! but, i didn't . . . coz i'm so far from my family!! mama . . . abah . . . i miss u a lot!! its too long to waiting the day for me to hug both of you! OMG!! only you now how it is feel . . . selalunye kan, klu i kat sabah, my mom, abah, adik2 akan pergi highway, pegi ABC to lepakin, whole family! OMG!! miss that moment . . . i'm so sad . . !! sob22 . . . n now, ticket to fly to sabah i didn't buy yet . . . how r??!! huh! need some space to relax my mind! damn tension!! i can't think anyhting now!!
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