hooooooraay!! just finishing class of Intro to Pharmacy Practice!! tadi dlm class i juz buat keje lain, kunyah chewing gum, wat keje chemistry . . . hehe! {nakal nye minah ni, tapi berakal} ghegheghegheheghe!! happyy! :) hm . . . n now, i'm waiting for my fiancee to reach home . . . hehe . . he's in the meeting now, seem to be, i have to wait him for 30 min! hm . . . so sad, so tired to waiting him . . . . but its okay, his MY BELOVED FIANCEE!! will to do anythg for him hehehe! MAY ALLAH BLESSED US ALWAYS EITH SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS!! MOGA, DIA LA JUGA JODOH I, DI DUNIAWI INI, JUGA UKHRAWI! INSYAALLAH!! AMINN! hm . . . . i da start da merapuh an . . hehe . . . sory . . . ala, jz tulis je apa yg terlintas di kepala otak ni. .. so, its wokey right guys?? hehe. . . . actually an, pas tunang i amek, dye akan bawak i g tempat kerja dye, so, i yg baru balik dari kolej ni, x mandi hingga lah ke tgh malam of 12am {eeeeeeee huda BUCUK!!}. . hm! cdey tau! but, what can i do?? ikut je la . . . hm . . . lambatnye lagi nk abis sem! rse x sabar je nk g practical . . hehe . . but, fikir2 susah juga aw nk jd pharmacist! but, wat can i do? its my chosen, so, i'll do that! hm . . . k la, nk cau! my fiancee da dtg . . hehe . . .bye!
hehe . . . hope u guys ble enjoy cter huda, n comment la, klu apa2 yg boleh d share, yg hndak d coment, juz LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE AFTER THE TONE {hehe} . . . hav a nice day!
hehe . . . hope u guys ble enjoy cter huda, n comment la, klu apa2 yg boleh d share, yg hndak d coment, juz LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE AFTER THE TONE {hehe} . . . hav a nice day!