♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥I'm here again!! to writing, to crapin2 . . . again . . . hehhhh . . . rindunye kat kengkawan sekolah . . . time sekolah lu, rse malas je nk dtg g kelas, till warga kat sekolah tu, call i ni 'office girl' . . . coz, i akan datang class at 8am n 7 am. . . hehe. . . sje je, ase malas nk bangun awal, sedap je kne buai mimpi, ngn kipas angin yg berhabuk hehe . . . kantoi akh kipas x lap . . . malew! ! klu time cikgu ngah ngajar kat depan, maka mcm2 la experiment yg i akan buat kat belakang, especially class 2 CLASS THAT I HATE TOO MUCH!! ADD MATH {huh!! nobody like that subject! ahahahaha . . . mengutuk cikgu S**** . . . hehe . . . jgn marah ek . . . }, subject CHEMISTRY pun, lagi la, she's my cikgu topi keledar, madam N***** . . . coz, her hair seem to be like that . . . hahahaha . . . but, i love her very much! subject add math mmg xpernah pass time kat skowl . . . but, hujung2 tahun nk spm tu, minx ampun kat cikgu, coz terkutuk dye . . .{hm . . ?? ada ey terkutuk . . .} hehehe, ye la nk spm berbuat baik la . . . bt, wen spm, juz ckup2 mkn . . . D7 . . . haha . . . {calon2 SPM di luar sne, jgn tiru aksi ini di rumah, if u wanna tiru too, then, it will considered as crime for Prime Minister of Education . . . hahaha . . . } {jadikanlah iktibar . . . . PEACE NO WAR ^_^ . . . } time class dye, i dtg class, i juz makan, n then lepak2 wif fren, chating {by using line of people} chating, writing on d paper, n pass it to all my classmates . . haha . . . if somebody who's intersting, it means, she/he, is onlining . . . hehe . . . n then, someday, d teacher who's teaching me add math, call me n advise me, she's telling me, kamu ni sgt NAKAL, n then i answered her wif sOOOOOOOPANNNNN, BIAR NAKAL, TAPI BERAKAL . . . . . haha!! n then, i pun just asks her forgivness . . . since that day she's advising me, i'm NAKAL BUT BERAKAL . . . . . . hahahahahahah!! huh . . . then, come up to subject CHEMISTRY, i HATE this subject very2 much!! BUT! der is some event that making me to become too curious to learn this subject deeply huhu. . . . !! but, ase malas akh nk cter to all now . . . coz, my fiancee is OTW (not Old Town White coffee r . . .) on the way . . . from his hotel to pick up me at my college . . . hehe . . . later on lar i cter ekh . . . . anyway, don't forget too read my latest post . . . hehehehehehehehe . . . yeay!! my fiancee is here!! bye!!♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥u all!!enjoy your day!!
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